Translation software: Get Dragon NaturallySpeaking 11 for free or $20 (Premium) with rebates

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. One of the pieces of software I find most useful when I translate is Dragon NaturallySpeaking. I’ve been using it for years since version 9 or 10. It allows me to dictate with a high accuracy and flexibility, avoiding potential typos and misspellings. It also helps me[…]

25% off AIT software – Including Translation Office 3000

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. Translation Office 3000 is the best accounting tool for freelancer in the market. But TO3000 is not only good to keep the books and to create invoices, the software can also manage clients, projects and so much more. I personally have been using TO3000 for years and[…]

25% de descuento en los programas de AIT, incluyendo Translation Office 3000

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. Translation Office 3000 es el mejor programa de administración para traductores. TO3000 no sólo sirve para llevar la contabilidad y crear facturas; el programa también puede adminstrar los clientes, los proyectos y mucho más. Yo personalmente llevo usando TO3000 por años y definitivamente ha valido la pena[…]

28% discount for all AIT products (including Translation Office 3000 and Projetex)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. AIT has announced a new-year campaign with a 28% discount on all products, including Translation Office 3000 and Projetex. I’ve been using Translation Office 3000 for several years and it’s one of the best investments I made. It not only creates invoices and handles payments, but it’s[…]

Free 1-year subscription to Multilingual (Localization Magazine)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. MultiLingual offered a one-year subscription at the ProZ Virtual conference last month. I just received an email from them offering the same one-year subscription for the magazine. It’s not too late to sign up for a free one-year digital subscription. With focuses on such topics as quality[…]

El gerundio en español: 3 reglas simples para usarlo correctamente

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. Uno de los errores más comunes en las traducciones al español es el gerundio mal usado. Como ya se ha dicho bastante sobre la teoría, y hay muchísima información en todas partes, me voy a dedicar solo a la parte práctica: 3 reglas simples para determinar si[…]

The Spanish Gerund: 3 simple rules to use it correctly

Sorry, this entry is only available in Spanish. One of the most common mistakes in Spanish translations is the incorrect use of the gerund. A lot has already been said about the theory (and there’s plenty of information available everywhere), so I’m going to focus on the practical side: 3 simple rules to decide if[…]