One of my favorite applications for translators is Translation Office 3000. It’s much more than just an invoice tool or a project management application, the built-in browser can keep all the relevant translation files just one-click away.
For instance, using TO3000 and shortcuts, I keep all my databases (glossaries, TMs, termbases, project references, etc) in one single place, regardless of their physical location. I just add shortcuts of their folders in a Client-specific folder automatically created by TO3000 at the moment the client is added. The next time I want to access any of those files, I just go to the Project>Folders tab and find it in the Clients Folder, right by the Project Folder.
This is particularly useful for those translators who use a separate Translation Memory or Glossary for each client or topic. There’s no need to spend any time trying to find the client’s files, they’re all available from one single location.
For a detailed explanation, click on the link:
The first step is to configure TO3000 to create a Databases folder: go to Settings>Advanced>Folders>Client Folder (tab)>Add folder. It could be any name: Databases, Reference, etc.

TO3000 Advanced Settings
Once a new client is added to the database, several folders will be created, included the new added folder (Databases, Reference, etc.) The next step is really easy, just create a shortcut of each TM, glossary, etc. and move it to the Database Folder.
TO3000 displays all the related folders next to the project folders, including all the shortcuts to the TM’s, glossaries, etc. The actual files remain in their own location.

TO3000 Project view